The Story we have...

We're a company with 3 co-founders who have 15+ years of experience in logistics and tech. We saw how digitalization impacted logistics and noticed challenges with collecting and managing ocean freight quotations. So, we developed a software platform that makes it easier to collect quotes, compare carriers, and create an internal database. Our platform brings new suppliers together and improves efficiency for our customers. We're customer-focused, innovative, and driving digital transformation in logistics.

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Our team

The talented people behind the scenes

Murat Özemre Ph.D.

Cofounder - Management

Gökhan Yeneroğlu

Cofounder - Marketing

Egemen Tunalı

Cofounder - Technology

Burak Kevran

Full Stack Developer

Bora Özışık

Full Stack Developer

Can Kürşad

Full Stack Developer

Volkan Aycan

Business Development Specialist

Our Journey

Lets go on a journey together



Company Started

Official company foundation has been completed and commercial activities has been started.



KOSGEB R&D – P&D Support

Our Freight Tech project proposal has been approved by KOSGEB which is an organization of Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology.



Moved to DEPARK Office

Our application to DEPARK, a Teknopark Enterprise of Dokuz Eylul University located in Buca, Izmir, has been approved. As a result, we have begun carrying out our activities from our office located within the DEPARK Building.



First Product Shipmind

The development process of our first product "ShipMind" - Freight Management Platform has been finalized and ready to be used online.



NIC Project Participation

We participated in the İzmir Network and Innovation Centre (İzmir NIC) Project, which is being implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Technology with financial cooperation from the European Union and the Republic of Turkey


112 Capitol Trail Suite A1662 Newark DE 19711+ 1 302 273 06 76


DEPARK Alfa-Beta Binaları (Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Teknoparkı) Buca / İzmir+90 505 451 52 47


Anna Anchers Vej 81 Aalborg+ 45 50362589

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